Our Mission
Our goal is our motto: we get you to the fish, to fish. We try to do so in a manner that is efficient, courtious and entertaining.
This usually involves a lot of Yellow River Coon Jerkey. (if this makes no sense, check out our other links) Every year,
we try to better our itineraries, maximize weather windows and increase both catch limit intakes and intoxication levels to
their maximum potentials. We shall continue in these lofty endeavours as long as we continue to gain interest.
Our History
Czechnology Trout Tours have been in operation informally for over a decade. However, it wasn't until 1999 that we officially
formed to create the tour juggernaut that we have become today. Out of those humble beginnings, we have continued to grow,
and yet have not lost any of our founding members. New members are added each year, and several are rotated in on a bi-yearly